Hockey Academy Professional Team

פבל (פשה) לוין - שותף, מנהל מקצועי ראשי ומנהל ראשי הוקי
Pavel (Pasha) Levin
Sport Director: Pavel LevinCo founders of OneIce Arena and OneIce Hockey Academy. Sport Director of OneIce Group

איליה ספקטור - מאמן הוקי קרח
Ilya Spektor
Head Coach: Ilya SpektorIlya grew up playing hockey in Russia and has previously served as captain of The Israeli National Hockey Team. Ilya is currently completing his BA at The Academic College at Wingate and his sixth season as a head coach for the OneIce Hockey Academy

Aviv Milner
Head Coach: Aviv MilnerAviv grew up in Canada playing AAA hockey. He is currently playing for the Israeli National Ice Hockey Team and has been coach of the academy for four seasons
דניאל אליסייב
Daniil Eliseev
Head Goalie Coach: Daniil ElisyevDani has a Bachelor's Degree in Coaching from The University of Kiev. Dani grew up playing ice hockey in Ukraine and Sweden and has represented Ukraine as their starting goalie. This is Dani's 4th season as head goalie coach at our Acandemy